There is currently a significant amount of talk about a lack of insurer appetite in the construction sector and issues around fire safety. Griffiths & Armour have compiled a video capturing some thoughts on the issues affecting the current PI Insurance Market and what firms can be doing to protect their position.


Two simple questions – ‘what’s happening in the Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance market?’ and ‘what can we do about it?’ are still those that Griffiths & Armour encounter most frequently. 

The answers aren’t quite as simple but over the years Griffiths & Armour have invested considerable time explaining the forces that shape the market, what drives insurers’ thinking and how firms can manage their business and relationships to achieve better outcomes.  At Griffiths & Armour, we understand the need to support informed decision making and we are pleased to make available a short video capturing those key messages and providing practical advice for firms in approaching the renewal of their PI insurance:

Video on PI Insurance Market available to watch here.

If firms have concerns regarding their existing PI arrangements, Griffiths & Armour would be more than happy to try to assist, don’t wait until renewal is upon you, do get in touch early and let’s make sure we have sufficient time to help you achieve the best possible outcome.


Graeme Tinney


Griffiths & Armour Europe DAC