Irish BIM Survey Results
The first national survey to benchmark the level of Building Information Modelling (BIM) adoption in Ireland revealed that 67% of the industry sample possessed confidence in their skills and knowledge to deliver BIM. While only 6% reported no confidence the remaining 27% reported a general knowledge of BIM and a gradual improvement in BIM skills. 75% of the sample reported an increase in demand for BIM in Ireland. The survey was undertaken by CITA and Enterprise Ireland. The survey results were released during London Digital Week. Over 90% of the top engineering firms responded to the survey and over 90% of engineer respondents noted confidence in their organisations’ knowledge and skills in respect to BIM.
The survey results were presented by during the London Digital Construction Show held during October.
Kevin Rudden, one of the 5 presidents of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) of Ireland, features in a video about Ireland’s BIM vision. Watch the video on the Enterprise Ireland YouTube Channel.