National Building Control Office (NBCO) – 2021 Q2 NBCO Newsletter
Since NBCO’s last quarterly Newsletter they have:
- Continued their Building Control Inspections Programme supporting the Building Control Authorities across the country
- Launched a National Market Surveillance Inspection programme on Construction Products with unannounced compliance visits commenced and scheduled for all over the country’s quarries for the remainder of 2021
- Received funding of €35,000 from DPER Innovation Fund to add Virtual Reality to their Drone ‘Big Sister Project’
- Welcomed some new staff to their team, Ronan Glynn, Senior Executive Professional (Architect), two Executive Engineers, Peter O’Sullivan and Joseph Carton, four Clerical Officer Student Interns, Hailey Yuxuan Lee, Eoghan Dunne, Aaisla Al Makhmari and Ali Alnuarni.
Page one of this Newsletter focuses on Part G of the Building Regulations which relate to Hygiene
If have any queries about Part G or your buildings talk to your local building control office and or contact the NBCO