- Guinness Enterprise Centre
- Medium
- Structural Category
Company Details
Contact Name
Brian Mahony
52-54 Lower Sandwith Street, Dublin 2
Project Category
- Medium
- Structural Category
Project Group
Structural Category - Medium
Project Details
Name of the project
Guinness Enterprise Centre
Taylor's Lane, The Liberties, Dublin 8
Guinness Enterprise Centre
Project Description
Located in the historic heart of Dublin, this former stables and forge was turned into three storey offices by DCC in the 1990’s. The current project added a further two floors which, through inspection, historic drawing review, and analysis, were supported off existing walls and foundations. The project is a worthy winner given its attention to detail, reuse of existing historic structure and the successful marriage of old and new. The concept of exposing the primary structure of the new project is considered a welcome expression of engineering form and function.