Colm Saul

Colm Saul in a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a Member of Engineers Ireland (MIEI), a Fellow of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (FConsEI) and is also an active member of the ACEI Mechanical & Electrical Committee.

Colm is a graduate of Building Services Engineering from TU Dublin and is now a Director of J.V. Tierney & Co. Consulting Engineers. Colm has over 25 years’ experience in the provision of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering on a wide range of large-scale healthcare, commercial, educational, institutional and residential projects both in Ireland and overseas. Colm also has extensive PPP project experience working on a number of high profile PPP projects in Ireland. Colm joined J.V. Tierney & Co. in 2000, progressing to Associate Director in 2006 and Director in 2016.

Colm’s experience includes proven leadership skills in managing, developing and motivating teams to achieve their objectives, combined with excellent design skills and the ability to deliver cost effective creative, energy efficient solutions with an in-depth knowledge of Building Services Engineering.