
The second issue of the FIDIC COVID19 Update is now available.This bulletin has been developed to keep FIDIC member associations,consulting engineering business leaders and wider stakeholdersupdated on FIDIC’s actions to address Covid-19...
The Covid-19 crisis and related shutdowns haveforced many businesses to quickly introduceremote working protocols. In these kind ofcircumstances cyber-criminals can exploit a lackof training or preparation. A new article by Beale...
Since COVID-19 arrived in Ireland, organisations have been contacting government bodies to offer to supply or donate goods and services. We are creating a central database of these offers on behalf of the whole of the public service, including the HSE. Goods and services required by the health services are currently a priority but this may change as the situation develops. ...
In line with the WHO and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) advice, Ireland is trying to contain further transmission of the virus. Employers and employees all have a role to play in this.During this unprecedented time, many employees may be advised to work from home on a temporary basis. Employers have specific duties to ensure the safety, health and welfare at work of all employees. These duties...
On 29 March, 2020, the Minister and the Government, taking account of the considerations under section 251A(5) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 as amended, made orders which result in an extension of time for a range of specified/appropriate periods and timelines under this Act, and a number of other related Planning Acts1 and associated regulations. This means that such periods are extended in duration from 29 March 2020 to 20 April...