
This issue of the EFCA Bulletin looks at Federation matters only.  News on European policies and new rules that impact on our industry and relevant EU data platforms and networks is now presented on EFCA’s LinkedIn page, pending the launch of the revised EFCA website early 2019. The bulletin can be found ...
Irish Water is to be separated from Ervia and established as a single national utility to operate the State’s water services. ...
BIM benefits have been quantified for the first time by PWC.  An article published recently surmises that quantification of project benefits would encourage greater focus on both the importance of realising savings from the use of BIM and help to increase understanding of how and what data and evidence needs to be collected to support benefits measurement. The article is available ...
The HSA has issued a draft document outlining proposed amendments to Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) (Amendment) Regulations 2018.The draft document is available here. The purpose of this amendment is to make specific provisions in relation to the expiry of Safe...
In relation to Ireland's Housing and Renovation Policies and Paris Agreement Targets, a joint letter signed by Dr Sarah Ingle, Secretary General, Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland - ACEI, Caroline Spillane, Director General, Engineers Ireland, Pat Barry, CEO, Irish Green Building Council - IGBC, Kathryn Meghen, CEO, Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland - RIAI, and Aine Myler, Director General, Society of Chartered...