
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council have issued two new documents for information.They are as follows: Taking in Charge Policy  Development Standards...
The NBC&MSO has published its Q1 Newsletter.  Information on the following is included: Commencement Notice Assigned Certifier Route or Commencement Notice With...
The latest Industry Barometer from the European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA) shows that disruptions generated by the COVID-19 shock in Europe waned. However, the Russian invasion in Ukraine poses new challenges and uncertainties for the European consultancy and engineering companies. The largest challenge currently for the consultancy and engineering industry in Europe is the...
Irish Water calls on contractors to apply for new Experience Based Accreditation Irish Water has launched a new Experience Based Accreditation Scheme for contractors across Ireland, 18 months ahead of plan. The scheme facilitates experienced contractors in becoming accredited to deliver new water services infrastructure in public roads for housing developers. The new scheme is welcomed by the...
The OGP has published details of the Inflation/Supply Chain Delay Co-operation Framework Agreement for PW-CF1 – PW-CF5. Details of the Agreement can be viewed here....