
Ciarán Kennedy, ACEI President accepting the FIDIC Runner-Up YP Award 2018 on behalf of Paul Doherty from FIDIC President Alain Bentéjac at the FIDIC Conference in BerlinACEI is delighted to congratulate Dr Paul Doherty who was...
ACEI Past President Dr Nael Bunni has been honoured by FIDIC with the Louis Prangey Award 2018.The Louis Prangey Award, the highest recognition for dedicated service to FIDIC, was named after the founding FIDIC President, Louis Prangey. The Louis Prangey Award was established to be presented to a person who has rendered significant service to the Federation and/or to the profession of independent consulting...
ACEI is delighted to partner with Engineers Ireland on the recently launched Griffiths & Armour ‘Engineering Futures’ Bursary to support one female and one male student through their engineering degree studies.     This generous bursary from G&A is aimed at 2nd year students undertaking...
Consulting Matters is Consult Australia's official quarterly publication and focuses on the prevalent issues for the consulting industry through articles and case studies by some of our leading professionals. It also includes updates on what is happening in the industry and other information to help our members with the business side of running their business. Consulting Matters is distributed...
The Construction Safety Partnership Advisory Committee (CSPAC) has launched the 2018 Awards for Innovation in Health and Safety.  ACEI very much welcomes the inclusion of a Category of “Innovation in Safety – Design” which allows us to shine a light on the excellent work of our members.   The three individual categories of award together with entry forms are:...